Genealogy Main Directory
These files are presently being maintained by Sam
Aurelius Milam III.
This document was most recently revised on Sunday, March 18, 2018.
The information that I've presented in this
genealogical record has come to me from a lot of different sources.
I haven't made any attempt here to document the sources of the information
that I've presented. Also, the information that's available to me
is often inconsistent or contradictory. In each such case, I've provided
all of the information that I had, without attempting to determine which
information is correct and which information isn't. Genealogical information
is inherently uncertain anyway and lineage, especially ancient lineage,
isn't really very important. Read some of my thoughts on that subject
in my essay Genealogical Overkill. It's available on Pharos.
I subsequently presented some additional thoughts regarding genealogy and
DNA in an editorial reply to a letter to the editor on page 3
of the February 2017 issue of the Frontiersman.
—Monday, April 10, 2017
Sam Aurelius Milam III